Our work is only possible because of the trust we’ve built with our donors and the communities we serve. Here’s how:
We believe that every person in the U.S. has a right to clean, running water.
We plan water projects that are locally-led, leveraging the unique experiences and resources of the communities they serve.
We believe transparency is the best way to inspire change.
Thanks to dedicated donors who cover our operating costs, we send 100% of donations to programs that close the Water Gap in the U.S. and we let personal stories from real people guide our communications.
We believe our water won’t last unless we learn to love it.
We help people understand water's real value through digital storytelling and policy advocacy.
The 100% Model
We know that every dollar you invest in our work is hard earned and thoughtfully given, so we commit 100% of every donation to programs that close the Water Gap in the U.S.
We are grateful for a dedicated group of donors that cover our operating expenses. This group includes The Water Council.
Our Financials
Our financials are independently audited. In 2023, we spent $16,776,139* and invested 84.1% in our programmatic work.
* Includes vehicles and fixed asset purchases.
Program Expenses
A program expense is either a direct cost associated with each program, or a support cost associated with each program. For example, a part for a Home Water System – like a cistern or pump – is a direct cost. But those parts must be carefully selected, tested, ordered and installed. The time (as a % of employee's salary) and resources (as a % of office use) spent on that process and on growing, documenting and sharing the program are considered a program support cost. Program expenses are covered by your donations.
Operational expenses are costs required to keep us up and running. They include things like operational salaries, fundraising expenses, web development, and other costs associated with building and maintaining the organization. Operational expenses are covered by unrestricted donations and the Water Council.

Give clean, running water.
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