Our mission is simple: working taps and toilets for every American.
In 2021 we brought that dream to life for more people than ever before.
Here’s how:
Impact Model
Advance Community Led Solutions by deploying proven WaSH* strategies to ensure that every American has clean, running water forever.
Develop an Evidence Base by collecting, sharing and leveraging domestic WaSH data to inform our progress toward universal access.
Mobilize America by empowering people to solve this problem in their lifetimes.
Build an Ecosystem of Change by facilitating high-impact collaboration to lead a diverse, sustainable movement.
*WaSH is an acronym that stands for "water, sanitation and hygiene". Universal, affordable and sustainable access to WASH is a key public health and equity issue and is the focus of UN Sustainable Development Goal 6.
What does water mean to you?
Water is everything. It’s our ability to live, to work, to pursue our passions, and even play with our kids. Running water unites all of us. Go deeper with these stories from the Navajo Water Project.
Water is Sacred
Shanna Yazzie, A Staff Story
Water is Connection
Gloria Cordero, A Donor Story
Water is Good Medicine
Daniel Nelson, A Client Story
In 2021, the Appalachia Water Project grew from a promising idea into a powerhouse project that brought clean, running water to nearly 200 families. The heart of the work is a new public-private partnership that blends DigDeep’s investment with federal, state, and county dollars to have an even bigger impact.
homes with clean, running water
new team members from the community
new model for public-private partnership
Next Up In Community-Led Projects
The Colonias Water Project
More than 500,000 people live along the Texas-Mexico border in colonias—neighborhoods without basic services like running water, sewer, electricity, or roads.
In 2021 DigDeep launched a project with community members, county officials and local nonprofits to solve this problem for good. We’ll go live in Fall of 2022.
Learn about the Colonias Water Project
Without good data, you’re flying blind. In 2021 DigDeep’s sector-leading research allowed us to develop new partnerships, to hone our problem-solving skills, and to challenge ourselves in new ways.
new communities piloting innovative toilet solutions
experts advising our research
detailed reports putting data back in the hands of communities
If you want to go far, go together. In 2021, with the support of our growing community, we amplified the visions, priorities, and solutions of Americans without running water… driving a national conversation for change.
Guinness World Record
press stories giving our clients a voice
new donors investing in water projects
miles on Roy’s bike for the Navajo Water Project
team members completed the #4LitersChallenge
social media impressions
Follow Every Heart-Melting Moment
We’re not stopping until every American has a tap or a toilet at home. We assume you aren’t either. Let’s link up!
More than 2.2 million Americans don’t have running water—that’s too big of a problem for any organization to solve on its own. So in 2021, we began building a network of implementers, funders, community champions, and government agencies working collaboratively to close the Water Access Gap for good.
organizations in the WaSH Sector database
At DigDeep, we believe social change happens when people with a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and identities come together with a common purpose. That's why we have built one of the most diverse teams of any nonprofit our size. In 2021 we grew Team DigDeep in exciting new directions, adding talent in engineering, operations, development, and policy advocacy.
new people joined DigDeep in 2021, bringing the total to 45
of Team DigDeep have lived without running water
of project leadership comes from impacted communities
We believe that transparency is the best way to inspire change. In 2021, we continued to invest 100% of public donations in programs, converting more people to our cause, and building an engine for clean water powered by Americans inspired to help out at home.
impact growth year-over-year
donors supported DigDeep in 2021
of public donations went directly to programs
foundations and corporations supported our work
see the full list here →
As always, 100% of all public donations went straight to programs that Close the Water Gap.
2021 Allocation of Expenses
DigDeep spent a total of $8,450,830 in 2021, including both day-to-day expenses and asset purchases, like vehicles and building improvements. We saw major growth across all of our water projects, research, and sector-building, including an expansion into the Texas colonias.
Program Services
General and Admin
2021 Program / Overhead Expense Ratio
This year, DigDeep invested in our administrative capacity. With Board approval, we temporarily stretched our general and administrative spending to 22%, investing unrestricted dollars from foundations and Water Council members into new infrastructure, such as HR systems, technology, and a larger operations team to support our programmatic growth.
78% Program
22% Overhead
Breakdown of Program Expenses
We increased our investments in research, public awareness, and sector-building. But community-led water projects remained mainstay of our work!
Water Projects
Breakdown of Operational Expenses
We built new systems and processes around things like HR, recruiting, legal, and marketing to ensure that the organization can safely support our exponential growth over the last three years. All of our operational investments were made with unrestricted dollars from foundations and Water Council members.
Salaries, Taxes and Benefits
Project/Program Costs
Fundraising and Consultant Fees
Depreciation Expense
Professional Services
Bank Fees
Repair and Maintenance
Website and Technology
Cost of Goods Sold